My hairband article was referenced!

I’ve occasionally found some of my articles lifted online- nothing was ever done about it.

At any rate, on one of those Google alerts for my name, I came across a blogger who was writing about her new band, Hairband. She must have been researching and came across one of my articles. She cited my article, giving the definition of hairbands:

“According to Donna Talarico, the hair band classification was coined to represent the arena, glam and ballad rock groups that tore up the airwaves in the 80s – bands that looked like chics but rock like men such as Guns N’Roses, Bon Jovi, Scorpion, Cinderella…. “

I thought that was particularly cool that she cited my name– blogging sometimes gets a bad rap, but this girl must have a good teacher– “cite your sources!” Makes me proud. Here is the link to her blog:!5CB51A3AAC3AF7EF!163.entry

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