What I’m Reading: Zadie Smith, Intimations

I got away from writing reviews on GoodReads, or elsewhere, after I finished a book. I found some time today to share my thoughts on the new essay collection by Zadie Smith, Intimations. I MADE this time because I immediately had to tell people to read this timely, brilliant collection. Here’s the review, in full, embedded from GoodReads.

IntimationsIntimations by Zadie Smith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Growing up, as students, we read ‘classic’ literature — novels, short stories, essays — and try to look at them through the lens of that time period. That’s why reading Zadie Smith’s Intimations was extra surreal — it’s real-time commentary on not just a global pandemic, but on a nation and world suffering from multiple viruses, may of which aren’t new, but rather highlighted by current events. It’s a reminder that “difficult times” were never just relegated to days past– we’re all living it and always have and Zadie brilliantly examines what this all means, where we can go from here, if anywhere. This essay collection is a masterpiece and should be required reading. It will make you feel. Many people have wondered, such as on social media, what literature inspired by 2020 will look like, what art will come of these times. Zadie might be the first deliver (in book form), and it’s both timely and timeless.

View all my reviews

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